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Preparation Tips For PET Scan!

An image of a PET Scan machine with the text 'Preperation tips for PET scan'.
Anderson Team
August 17, 2019
Est. Reading: 3 minutes

Tips For Preparation Prior To PET Scan Test At Chennai

PET scan is the short form for the Positron emission tomography Test which is a diagnostic body imaging test used for determining how the internal body organs are performing. This is performed by detecting the radiation due to particles emitted from a substance which is radioactive commonly known as positrons.The Best Labs In Chennai ensure that all the necessary safety measures are taken by patients before they undergo a PET scan.

The following are the safety measures you should consider before your PET scan:-

  • The Doctor should be informed if the patient is pregnant or is doubtful of being pregnant
  • The patients are advised to let the lab technicians and concerned doctors know regarding any allergy or reactions they possess to any type of medicine
  • If you are an outpatient, bring the details of your current prescriptions along with you
  • Any valuables in hand of the patient should be either kept in their hospital room or handled over to close relatives for safekeeping

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What All To Consider While Taking A Pet Scan cancer diagnosis?

The PET scan usually takes up to 2 hours but the duration may vary if complications are found. A technologist will administer the patient on to the diagnostic table and might instruct him/her to position themselves still or hold the breath. At this moment, the patient can ask the technologists any inquiries he/she has.The Anderson PET Scan Chennai, one of the most renowned diagnostics and lab facilities centers in Chennai prefers that their patients go through certain strict measures for better diagnosis during the PET scan.

During the scanning process, you need to take care of the following measures :-

  • 24 hours prior to the PET scan date, the patient is supposed to follow a limited carbohydrate diet
  • 6 hours before the scanning, refrain from eating or drinking anything other than water. Drink water as much as possible to make the scan results more clear.
  • Regular medicines can be taken unless directed otherwise. In case you are a diabetic patient, medicines for Diabetics should be taken 4 hours before the test.
  • Reach the scanning center 30 minutes before the test
  • The lab technician will verify your identity and the scan you requested for
  • The CT screening form will be provided to you for filling in all the details
  • Sometimes the doctor will put you through other lab tests if found necessary before the contrast is injected
  • The contrast is administered into the patient’s vein to highlight the body parts that need to be examined.

Best Labs In Chennai Advises Precautions After The Test

After the test, the patient needs to drink a minimum of five glasses of water. Breastfeeding women should refrain from feeding their babies for at least 24 hours after the test. Any discomfort felt during or after the scan including tremors, nausea, sneezing, vomiting, dizziness, etc should be reported immediately to the doctors or the technologists.

PET scan is highly useful in detecting cancerous cells, determining the stage of its development, etc. This helps the doctors in the treatment of cancer patients. It also helps doctors in finding artery diseases that examine flow rates. It is also helpful in the assessment of neurological diseases like Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, etc.

Make sure that you get your CT and PET scans done in a certified laboratory and diagnostic center and follow the above-mentioned steps for making the scanning process smoother for clear results.

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