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How Do You Choose An MRI facility?

How Do You Choose An MRI facility?

Choosing the best centre for MRI scans not only deserves attention merely for their service offered but is also crucial to ensure that you are provided with precise reports and diagnosis. Hence, ensure that your selection criteria consider all the crucial factors that attribute a guaranteed best-in-class MRI imaging. There is known to be considerable differences within the imaging community concerning the technology used, protocols, and the sequences followed to get the images. Apart from the technical aspect, the technicians and the radiologists serving the imaging centres also play a crucial role in the establishment’s efficiency- not to mention an affordable MRI scan cost, which would be the icing on the cake. Follow the criteria mentioned below to select the best facility for your MRI scanning.

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Vital criteria to choose the best MRI facility

Technological Efficiency

The MRI scanner’s technological efficiency deserves the topmost priority as these are crucial to producing quality images. To get the best image, the technology needs to be high-field that can detect anomalies in detail compared to the low field magnets of MRI scanners. This criterion is an inevitable feature of medical imaging machines, particularly while imaging the body’s brain and core. A high field machine has an intensity of 1.5 Tesla or more. Moreover, these machines are expected to undergo hardware or software upgrades within five years of ageing. Detailed information about the machines used, i.e., whether the MRI scanner is an open MRI machine or a wide bore and whether the facility is equipped with three-dimensional mammograms, are crucial to deciding the best facility.

Dedicated Hardware for Scans

To produce precise imaging of internal systems, an MRI machine needs a dedicated coil for that specific area. A lot of imaging centres use an all-purpose coil for imaging that considerably reduces the image quality and interferes with the diagnostic accuracy.

Protocols for scan

The programmable high-field MRI scanners are fed with a series of commands and sequences by the MRI facilities to scan the body parts. These commands and sequences are known as a protocol. Since the protocol varies considerably between different facilities, results would be variable. Review literature emphasizes the following particular sequences to detect specific anomalies. However, it is found that various MRI centres do not follow specific sequences limiting the authenticity of the diagnosis.

Qualified Radiologists

It is essential to look out for qualified radiologists at the MRI facilities you have an appointment with. It is found that a radiologist’s experience is critical to have your diagnostic reports read and interpreted appropriately.Vector image showing the activities done in MRI scanning. Experience and expertise to diagnose the imaging is thus considered a crucial criterion for MRI facilities in Chennai.

Open or wide Bore Designs

The patients now predominantly seek open and wide bore designs for its enhanced room and shorter length of tunnels. The tunnel length in these designs is 4 ft compared to the 8 ft of traditional scanners. This allows the patients to keep their heads out of the room. Open and wide bore tunnels can support 550 lbs against the 300 lbs of traditional ones.

There are certain other questions that come to mind before an MRI Scan


Imaging procedures involve radiation, and hence, safety is a crucial criterion an MRI facility must adhere with. The imaging facilities must emit low radiations during CT scans and other procedures. Ensure that the MRI scanners are safety checked frequently.

Convenience and Scheduling

The convenience of reaching the MRI facility is a crucial factor to consider. Find out a place closer to your home to avoid long travels back and forth from the MRI facilities. This also facilitates convenient scheduling as taking off for the scanning might be impossible for working individuals. Chennai is home to some of the best CMIs, Book an appointment with the best that offers you a reasonable MRI scan cost.

MRI costs

Higher MRI scan cost is perhaps one of the most prominent reasons people shy off from good imaging centres. Facilities that offer payment plans would be an excellent bonus for the patient who desires affordable imaging centres in Chennai.

ACR Accreditation

ACR, or the American College of Radiology, is a trusted accreditation for imaging centres and also the safest place for the patients to visit.

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