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Using Anomaly Scans To Identify Abnormalities With Leading Scan Centres In Chennai

There is so much expectation from expecting mothers about their baby and it simply does not stop there. The journey is filled with excitement and anxiety. All the attention and care is given to delivering a healthy baby. The doctors can determine the health of the baby through a series of scans performed throughout the pregnancy. The second scan called an anomaly scan is done during the 20 weeks of the pregnancy. This scan is different from the first scan that was done around the first 12 weeks. An anomaly scan is when a lot of important facts about the baby are determined.

We are a leading diagnostic scan centre in Chennai where we conduct anomaly scans with well experienced professional sonographers. We provide a quiet and dimly lit room for the scan. We allow a family member with you so your husband, parent or a child can be with you. The sonographer will have to concentrate on the entire task to get an accurate image of your child and position in the womb.

A Leading Scan Centre In Chennai Explains Things To Expect In An Anomaly Scan

There are various things that a sonographer does to determine the health of the baby. The scan can identify if the baby is growing at a normal rate and is already well developed. The structure and shape of the head are measured. You can view the image of your baby’s face. The baby’s spine is checked to ensure bone alignment and if the back is covered with skin. The doctors can check the abdominal wall, amniotic fluid, umbilical cord, and the placenta. The baby’s kidney, stomach and heart can be viewed clearly. The doctors can check if the feet, arms, hands and legs are well developed.

Also Read : A Complete Guide About Anomaly Scan For Peaceful Pregnancy

Our sonographers at our Chennai centre take utmost care in getting the clear image of the baby from head to toe. The sonographer will require complete silence during the scan. They need to take accurate measurements. This is why some centres do not allow children inside the scanning room. The measurement has to be done all over the baby’s body. The baby has to be in the right position to support the scanning. If the baby is wriggly, the mother will be asked to go for a walk so the baby can be lulled to sleep. The scan can also determine the gender of the baby through this is not allowed in India.

Different Abnormalities Identified In Anomaly Scan

The anomaly scan is the first indication of any abnormalities during the pregnancy. At the anomaly scan centre in Chennai, the sonographer will have a list of conditions that a doctor will have to further evaluate. Some of these may be serious and some may not be serious. There are even cases where the abnormalities go undetected until birth. But a vast majority of abnormalities are always detected. The scan can detect 90% of an open spinal defect, abdominal wall defect, abnormal bone formation and 99% of a defect in the skull. There is a 60% chance of detecting excess fluid in the brain and heart defects. There is more than 80% chance of detecting cleft lip, palate and missing kidneys. The scan can identify 65% of defects in the muscles that separate the chest and abdomen.

The scan will be able to identify 50% of down syndrome which is associated with poor development of limb, heart and bowel. Cerebral palsy and autism are issues that will not be identified in the scan. Chromosomal abnormalities occur one in every thousand deliveries. The chance of chromosomal imbalance increases with mothers age. To get a clear picture of the heart, fetal echocardiography is performed. Minor anomalies are nor something you need to worry about. Most babies cope with these anomalies even before birth. A few anomalies might require treatment after birth. Early detection of abnormalities will help doctors to plan the treatment proactively. Such scans ensure that you have a healthy baby without any structural defects. There are other non-invasive procedures available that are used to determine the chances of abnormalities and chromosomal imbalances.

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