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Purpose of NCV and Stress test at Chennai

Nerve Conductions Studies (NCV) detects nerves and muscles that cause pain, numbness, tingling sensation, less sensation in the legs and arms, burning sensation, cramps, or thinning of legs and arms. The test is recommended for patients suspected of conditions related to nerve abnormality or neuropathy, nerve injury, cervical lumbar disc prolapsed, connective tissue disease, carpal tunnel syndrome, to check drug effects, hereditary neuropathy, Guillain Barre Syndrome and Myasthenia. The technician will apply electrical shocks while recording from the surface electrode. This process does not involve any needles and hence no discomfort or shock is experienced.

Which Condition require Stress Test?

Stress test helps detect the response of the heart when it is working hard. During stress test, the patient is asked to undergo exercise on a treadmill and the electrocardiogram (EKG) is fitted to monitor the heart rate. It is also referred to as treadmill test. It helps the doctor to determine the condition of the heart, whether it receives sufficient oxygen, blood circulation is normal while exercising. The test is particularly for those suffering from chest pains and symptoms of coronary heart diseases. Overall it helps to determine the health of the individual. Moreover it helps the doctors to prescribe the right level of exercise for your safety.

NCV and stress test center in Chennai – Preparation Tips

Before the NCV test, the patient is asked to take a clean shower to remove oily residue from the skin. The doctor at the NCV and stress test center in Chennai also advises not to use any body lotion, oil or powder on your arms and legs on the test day. The patient is asked to change into a loose dress facilitating easy examination. Inform the lab technician on the medications taken especially blood thinners like aspirin or for bleeding disorder. The medicines can be taken on the day of test unless prescribed otherwise. Cases like myasthenia gravis have to consult the doctor on the medication to be taken on the test day. The test does not require fasting. Sedation is provided to children who are young and uncooperative. The test does not have any side effects. The patient can go home once the test is complete. The test is completed within 30 minutes. Depending on the intensity of the neurological disorder the electrical stimulations are given.

What to do before the Stress Test?

Stress test shows how your heart works during physical activity. The examination checks the blood flow to the heart and if there are any damages. Before the test the physician will ask you not to drink caffeine products like coffee, chocolate, soda, tea or Excedrin 24 hours in advance. Even decaffeinated products also contain caffeine so refrain from it. You can talk to your physician on going off beta blocker for 48 hours and calcium channel blockers for 24 hours before the test. It is important not to eat or drink for three hours before the appointment. Incase the patient is unable to use a treadmill for exercise, a medication is given to stress your heart. For this type of test you are allowed to take heart and blood pressure medicines.

Diabetes patients should consult the doctor before preparing for the test. They may provide you with special instructions relating to your medication. Wear comfortable clothes, preferably convenient to exercise. Wear sneakers or exercise shoes if you are taking a treadmill exercise stress test. List all your medication with dosage at the testing center.

How is the procedure done for NCV test?

Nerve Conductions Studies (NCV) is a test done to diagnose problems in the nerve and the muscle. The physician applies a minimal amount of electrical shock and the reaction is recorded from the surface electrodes that touch the skin. The process is non-invasive, as there are no needles involved. Since mild electric shocks are given, the patient may feel some discomfort.

At the NCV and stress test center in Chennai the test takes about 20-30 minutes. To start with the metal disc plates are positioned on the skin above the muscles and nerves. Later a mild electrical shock is given to the patient and the response is recorded. During the test the two nerves in the upper and lower limbs are examined. Sometime more nerves are tested depending on the severity of the neurological diseases. The test is an outpatient procedure and there is usually no after effect of the test.

How is the procedure done for stress test?

Stress test involves working on a treadmill or exercycle. The heart rhythm, breathing pattern and blood pressure is monitored during the examination. For some patients a drug is given to imitate the effects of the exercise. A stress test is recommended if you have symptoms of coronary artery disease or arrhythmia. The test helps to guide treatment methods for heart diseases. A technician places sticky patches on your legs, arms and chests. The area is cleanly shaved and cleansed of body oils to enable the electrodes to stick firmly.

The electrode wires are connected to the ECG machine and the electrical signals are triggered. Blood pressure is monitored during the test and you are asked to breathe into the tube to examine your breathing rhythme while on exercise. For those who do not take treadmill stress test, the doctor administers IV to increase blood flow to the heart. This can leave you short of breath. Before the test your doctor will discuss safe limits prescribed for the exercise. Incase of any discomfort stop the test immediately.

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