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The Significance Of 3D And 4D Ultrasound Scan In Pregnancy

Ultrasound scans are taken at regular intervals during pregnancy. Periodic monitoring of the foetus leads to successful pregnancy. Ultrasound scanning is a technique used to view the muscles and organs of the foetus. There are many benefits of ultrasound like, detecting abnormalities at an early stage. Ultrasound scan centre in Chennai is growing in popularity among pregnant women as it helps in exposing health issues in a child. It is a non-invasive method of screening the structure of the human body.

Despite the advancement in science and technology, women are still apprehensive about taking prenatal tests due to the fear it may affect their baby. The following information gives you an insight on the significance of ultrasound tests during pregnancy.

During the course of pregnancy, the to-be-mother is recommended for periodic scans to check the formation of the baby inside the mother’s womb. Pregnancy ultrasound helps to check any abnormalities in the foetus. The activities of the foetus during pregnancy are archived for reference in the future.

Ultrasound scan is used to identify the pregnancy activities like

  • Gender detection
  • Delivery date
  • Position of the foetus, structure and condition
  • Determining the foetus count
  • Placenta related issues
  • Identifying the baby size before the due date
  • Checking for amniotic fluids
  • Checks for foetus death and morbidity

How pregnant women can benefit with ultrasound?

The practice of referring pregnant women for ultrasound scan is in practice for decades and it comes with a host of advantages. Studies published in the Medical Journals reveal positive benefits of ultrasound. The parents get to see their baby for the first time in the image. Though it is illegal in India to determine the sex of the baby, ultrasound does help in identifying whether it is a boy or a girl. The scan helps to record the viability of the survival of the foetus. It helps to detect the amount of amniotic fluids, vital for the protection of the growing baby. Any abnormalities are detected at an early stage in an ultrasound scan, facilitating therapy options. It is the most inexpensive way to monitor the growth of the foetus.

Types of ultrasound techniques

There are different methods of ultrasound used to determine the progress of the foetus in pregnant women. These include:

  • Amplitude Mode or A mode is a simple method
  • 2D or B Mode is a two dimensional method of viewing the foetus
  • 3D mode is the most popular technique suggested by gynaecologist and obstetricians. It shows a 3-dimensional image of the foetus. It views the foetus in three 90 degree planes simultaneously.
  • 4D mode is similar to 3D method but offers real time imaging of the foetus and is the most advanced. It is similar to a video in real time.

Information on 3D and 4D ultrasound

This type of ultrasound is recommended for pregnant women who fall in the high risk category.

  • Sophisticated 3D and 4D scan identifies the internal organs of the foetus for any complications. The clarity of the image is top notch with the movements inside the womb defined.
  • The 4D ultrasound has the potential to detect problems in the baby at an early stage. The sinologist will be able to identify problems like cleft lip, etc. To detect heart abnormalities, 3D ultrasound with Doppler technology is suggested.
  • The emergence of 3D and 4D scan has changed the landscape of diagnosis of the foetus. Among this the most popular is the gender test. The sex of the unborn baby can be determined in the ultrasound scan, but it is not revealed in India.
  • Specialised ultrasound using 4D, detects the behavioural concerns of the baby. It can help diagnose the brain and the nervous system issues.
    In a 2D scan, the patient is asked to drink a lot of water before going on the scan table, this ensures the fluid surrounding the baby is clear and the images are defined. The details found in the image are amazing and helps you bond better with the baby.

Some of the other techniques that are used today include Bones Sonography, Doppler, Transrectal ultrasound, Transvaginal ultrasound and Transesophageal Echocardiogram.

Ultrasound scan has become an integral part of pregnancy with doctors suggesting the test not just for high risk patients but for safe pregnancies as well. The reason attributed is to reduce the chances of preterm labour and mortality. Studies reveal that ultrasound can detect abnormalities that can lead to the birth of a Down syndrome baby. Potential risk to the mother and the baby can be determined with the help of ultrasound. In this case, X Rays and CT scans do not deliver the desired results as it is not safe to expose the mother or child to radiation. The revolutionary technology of ultrasound has helped save many lives protecting the well being of both the mother and the child.

Go ahead and meet your unborn baby and establish a connection with the help of latest 3D and 4D ultrasound technology.

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