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The Significance And Advantages Of Regular Health Check-Up Unveiled

In the past, a visit to the clinic happened only when a person falls sick. But today, preventive healthcare has become common with people being educated and aware of leading a healthy life. The age of internet is bringing healthcare right to the doorstep, empowering people to understand the various disease conditions and how to maintain a healthy life. The good news is diagnostic centres in Chennai have cut down on the need for medical treatment and even surgery for many patients. Today people can track potential health conditions even before the problem arises. A regular health checkup can keep you away from disease or health condition. The key to healthy life is early detection and appropriate treatment.

Also Read : A To-do List For Women’s Health Checkup

What is the Need for A Health Check-up?
Periodical health checkups are necessary to define your health condition and identify any problems that pre-exist or there is a likelihood. Basic medical check up packages include blood and urine tests for lifestyle diseases like diabetes and blood pressure. Scans and ECG are taken to monitor the condition of the vital organs. Enrolling for master health checkup in Chennai once in a year can increase the quality of life. Though, factors like age, family background, income, lifestyle choices play a vital role in defining the frequency of healthcare screening.

What do Periodic Health Checkups Comprise?
During a health checkup apart from standard packages that consists of tests for the functionality of vital organs like heart, liver, lungs, kidney, other specialized tests are also conducted based on the age, gender and genetic makeup of the patient. This can include tests that include cancer diagnosis like prostrate for men and mammography for women. There are other pathology tests like blood and urine tests, cardiac stress diagnosis, imaging examinations like X-Rays and Ultrasound scans, lung, liver and kidney analysis. The tests are performed under controlled environments using authentic samples to provide precise results.

There are renowned medical institutions and laboratories offering a spectrum of health checkups to cover an array of diseases, lifestyle conditions and infections. The package can be chosen based on the prevailing conditions or on the recommendation of the physician. In most cases a complete health checkup is recommended to cover all basic tests.

Advantages of Timely Checkups

  • Reduces the chances of falling sick
  • Chances of detecting life threatening disease quickly, to expedite treatment process and increase the chances of quick recovery
  • Risk of health complications are limited with regular monitoring of existing conditions
  • The lifespan of the individuals are improved
  • The healthcare cost is reduced to a greater extent
  • It helps bond with the healthcare providers to deliver effective and efficient treatment
  • Regular visit to the doctor helps to update on the latest advancements in the field of medicine

Health Checkups are Comprehensive in Nature
For those looking for good health checkup packages, there are packages that offer a wide range of tests. These comprehensive packages are cheaper when compared to a sum of individual tests. Early detection helps to keep a tab on your health conditions. The result is that it helps to analyze your present condition and diagnose early for any possible chances of chronic diseases. For those diagnosed of a disease or a condition, checkups help to monitor the condition on whether there is improvement in the health or if the condition has advanced.

Health Checkups at Various Stages of Life

  • Between 20-30 years, an individual needs to check for blood pressure, sugar levels, BMI, dental checkup, cholesterol, skin infections, testis for men and breasts for women.
  • In the 40s, while you continue with the previous checkups, add Type 2 Diabetes Risk Assessment, cardiovascular tests, Mammogram and glaucoma eye checkup.
  • Between 50-60, Screening for osteoporosis, bowel cancer, visual and hearing impairment.

Healthcare Packages
Some of the prominent healthcare packages include:

  • Annual visit – Preventive screening, counseling, physical examination and family history
  • Cancer screening for skin, breast, cervical, testicular and colorectal as per recommendations
  • Sensory screening for eyes and ears
  • Immunizations for Tetanus, Influenza, Diphtheria, Pneumococcal, Hepatitis A & B, Varicella, MMR and more.
  • For sexually active age, check for Sexually Transmitted Infections screening and pap smear for women every two years.

Healthcare checkup is a good habit, giving you exposure to potential diseases and indicating how to lead a healthy life. For instance, those tested for diabetes; improve their food and fitness to ensure they bring the disease under control. With regular tests showing good results, you are motivated to follow a healthy lifestyle to keep the disease at bay. On the contrary if you do not follow a good diet and exercise, it will show on the report as well.

Health checkup reports show a positive result leaving your feel good and boosting your morale. It ensures you take up activities that help to maintain a healthy body and mind, increasing your lifespan.

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